Monday, January 31, 2011

Didnt America vote for CHANGE?

I was thinking about this today and it stuck me as kinda funny!

George W. Bush Presidency:

Un-Godly High Gas and Oil Prices
Bush gave us Socialism (Prescription Drug Program)
Involved in 2 wars abroad
Have Guantanamo Bay Prison Running
Problems with Muslim Terrorists
World HATES America
Everyone is pissed at the President

Barack Obama Presidency:

Un-Godly High Gas and Oil Prices
Obama gave us Socialism (Obamacare)
Involved in 2 wars Abroad
Have Guantanamo Bay Prison Running
Problems with Muslim Terrorist
World HATES America
Everyone is pissed at the President

We Voted for Change... and all We got was MORE OF THE SAME!!

I'm thinking that when Obama signs bills into law, he should sign the Bills this way:

Barackgeorge Obamabush
President Of the United States of America

P.S. You think Obama might be looking into property in Crawford Texas? He could be closer to his Mentor!! LOL!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ayn Rand - Saving American Liberty

Ayn Rand - Liberty vs Socialism (Hear the warnings from LONG ago!)

Williams with Sowell - A Love Affair With Tyrants

Williams with Sowell - Academic Intellectuals

Thomas Sowell - The Blame Game

Walter E Williams - Washington Lies

Walter E Williams - What is a Right? Explains the Difference between Rights and Wishes

Mark Levin - Out of control government seizing control anyway possible

Mark Levin absolutely pissed with the government - especially the democrats

Mark Levin Rips Nancy Pelosi !! FUNNY AS HELL

Shocking comments from Barack Obama's wife!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Walter E Williams - Social Security Ponzi Scheme Explained

Walter E Williams - Government Charity

Walter E Williams - Redistribution of Income

More From the Smartest Man on the Planet!

The Most Intellectual Man on this Planet!!

TINGLE comment! Bachmann causes MSNBC Politburo and Matthews to go into ...

Chris Matthews Guest: "You're Making My Leg Tingle"

Chris Matthews' thrill up leg

Chris Matthews Gets Schooled By Tea Partier

Chris Matthews "...he's going to explode...I'll be there to watch."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Liberal Lies About Race...Exposed!

As you may have heard today, the new congress started the session with the entire US Constitution being read out loud. I applaud this and think it makes good sense to do so! Reminds them to take their job seriously, and make sure they do their job as the Founders of the Country intended them to!

However, a few things I heard from the Liberals made my blood boil! You know by now, the favorite PLAY in the Liberal playbook says..when losing to Republicans...Call them Racist!

They said the Constitution calls Black people 3/5 of a person. IT DOES NOT!! The Constitution has a provision put in place called the 3/5 compromise. This was drafted to accommodate the southern states which wanted to keep their slaves. ( BTW..ALL those who wanted to keep slaves were DEMOCRATS!!) This 3/5 compromise was brilliantly added in this manner by those OPPOSED slavery! It brilliantly gave the southern states LESS power in Washington, so they could not keep voting for slavery! If they were to have counted those slaves as whole people..The southern states would have had MORE representatives in Washington, and therefore MORE VOTING POWERS! Meaning they could have kept slavery longer!

Also, the 3/5 compromise DID NOT classify ALL PEOPLE of COLOR as only 3/5 of a person!! THAT'S the BIG LIE right there!! The Liberals, and so called Civil Rights leaders said that the Constitution says that ALL BLACK MEN are only 3/5 of a person!! No it does NOT!! It says "ALL FREE PERSONS" (White, Indians, Chinese, Black...Not all black persons were SLAVES some had freedom) are considered to be counted as WHOLE persons!! The Constitution SPECIFICALLY says that only people who are to be counted as 3/5 of a person..Are those people who were SLAVES!! Not all people of color were slaves!! (EVEN IN THOSE TIMES) FREE Black men were counted as a WHOLE person!! Says that right in the Constitution!! Article 1 Section 2 for your information!! They HAPPILY LIE to them to get it!!

So next time you hear such BRAVO SIERRA, you will know the truth! Its just typical of Liberalism..They must LIE to their constituents, to keep them stirred up and voting their Lying, Liberal, KKK founding asses in office!! They still use people of color to do their bidding...just like the days of slavery!! They only want people of color for their vote..not to help people of color better their lives!! They HAPPILY LIE to them to get their votes!!