Monday, November 29, 2010

Take all Money From Rich

I want feedback in the comments section below!!

If America took every penny from those blasted "Rich" guys; (who are gonna get a tax cut, that seems to piss people off) Will the poor be better off? Or will they still be Poor?

I contend you can "TAX" every penny from the very wealthiest Americans, and the "POOR" will see no appreciable change in their lifestyles!! We have to date, spent 9 TRILLION dollars on the "WAR on Poverty", and the poor are still poor as dirt!! Giving money to poor without them earning it...It doesnt work!!

You dont say...If my neighbor get his taxes raised, I will be better off! NO YOU WILL NOT BE BETTER OFF!! It doesnt affect your lifestyle one bit!! Neither would taking all of the Rich peoples wealth..Make the country's poor "Better Off"!!

Please leave your comments below in the big white comments box!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

History Proves that Only Democrats Have Had Klan Members Holding Office!

I got a little fact to share with you tonight!

Its a matter of record that every single member of Congress, who has ever been associated with the Ku Klux Klan...have all been DEMOCRATS!!! Not ONE SINGLE Republican EVER elected to Congress, had ties to the racist organization!!

Democrats, who have been proven to be members of the Klan, have held the highest offices of the Democratic Party. These include: Secretary of the Senate Democratic Conference, Majority Whip, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader!! In the year 2010; Democrats had an elected office holder in Congress, which held some of the highest leadership positions within the Klan. Democrats have had members who were a Kleagle for the KKK (which meant he recruited others to the Klan) , as well as the Title of Exhalted Cyclopse (which meant that he held the highest office in a local Klan chapter). Yes, until the year of 2010, Democrats had a former Klan member sitting in Leadership positions in the Democratic Party!!!! Shocking!!

Not one former Klan member has ever been in Congress from the Republican Party!! Linclon was a Republican...We fought to free the slaves! So where do Liberals get off accusing Republicans of being a Racist? They must tell lies about their Democrat Party History! Its too damaging for their side to tell the truth!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Society on Track to Become Like the Movie "Logan's Run"

I was watching the videos I put up of the Super Liberal, Progressive Paul Krugman talking about Obamacare "Death Panels". It hit me; like a ton of bricks, what society is fast becoming. Its becoming like the 1976 Movie "Logan's Run"! In that movie, you were not permitted to live past the age of 21! When a person reached that age, an implanted device put on your hand, turns completely black. You were then considered a burden to society, and placed into a "Sleep Shop" where you were executed! Humm...Nice Place!!

Also in the movie you could have all kinds of casual sexual relations, and use drugs for recreational purposes; but get this...Tobacco use is banned, and Police raid places where it is used!! (Sounds a bit too familiar!!)

You see what I have learned about Liberals, and Progressives; they do everything in increments, called "incrementalism". Just as they are doing with the new scanners at the Air Ports; and the ever friendly "Pat Down" inspections. You see, the Air Port is just the beginning of these kinds of intrusive inspections. After the public gets used to this, they will then say, you must do these inspections before boarding a train, or a bus. Then it will be more accepted. Next will come the Football Stadium, Basketball Arena, or other event. Gets us used to the "Police State" society..You give up a little freedom to feel safe.

The Liberals and Progressives sell you the idea that we need to have these "Death Panels" to save us from crushing health care costs. Then in a few years, they will then say, we need to start doing this for people who are younger in age than we previously have done; due to crushing health care costs! You get the idea now?

Liberals and Progressives are the source of the World's Great Evil! If you aren't as useful to society as you once cost society too much...its time for you to sleep!!!

TW Paul Krugman death panels a cost

Paul Krugman confirms death panels and VAT strategy. Krugman,"Obamacare=...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Racist Republicans...Not So Fast

Ever heard the Bravo Sierra about Republicans being racist? How many times have you ever heard a Liberal, Progressive, or Democrat call someone from the Republican side.."A Racist"?

I'm gonna examine this fact a bit in this article. I think some on our side think alot of us... "MUST BE" racist! Isn't that what they say in the Main Stream Media as well? It has been said about us so many times, people just accept it as fact! I have heard the old saying "Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth."

Thomas Jefferson founded what would later become the Democratic Party. (One of the few "Bad" things I have ever read about Jefferson) Jefferson did own slaves at one time, but come to believe it was wrong to think any man could "Own" any other man as property. He once said that slavery was bad for the Slave as well as bad the Slave Owner. Along comes the "Progressive" Democrat John C. Calhoun. He liked his slaves! His take on slavery was a bit different from Jefferson's! His idea was, slavery was good for the Slave as well as good for the Slave Owner. Thus, in those times, the Democrat Party was known as the "Party of Slavery" (LOL...who could have known???!!!) I say he was a "Progressive" since he wanted to change the Declaration of Independence to make it "Fit" his agenda!! He called the part..":All men are created Equal", a political error!! (Sound Familiar?? Any Obama fans out there?) From the outset of the Democrat Party, The Party is racist!

I am telling you the truth about why the Republican Party was formed in 1854. It was formed in "Direct Opposition" to the Democratic Party's Pro Slavery Stance!! Republican Abraham Lincoln fought the Civil War to free men of color from Slavery!!

Congressional Records show Democrats have opposed every single Republican effort to give African American's Civil Rights!! Every single one!! Even during the 1st two years of John F Kennedy's Presidency; He ignored Dr. King's request for Civil Rights!! Kennedy's Attorney General Brother Robert Kennedy approved bugging of Dr. King's Office. Republican President Ronald Reagan made Martin Luther King's Birthday; a national holiday!

It is a matter of Record that Republicans still support this agenda in the modern day. 80% of Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act in House of Representatives; only 40% of Democrats supported it. In 1965's Voting Rights Act, 82% of Republican House Members supported measure. In the Senate 94% of Republicans supported the Voting Rights Act.

The amount of history written on this subject is astounding! I could write on it for days and still not cover all of the evidence I have found on the subject!!

Next time you hear that "Republicans are Racist" thing...Hold your head high as you now know the TRUTH!!! We are not now; NOR HAVE WE REPUBLICANS EVER BEEN RACIST!! Republicans fight for the rights and freedom of every person, no matter the color of thier skin!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Making a Big Point..with Humor

My Mom, sent this joke to me. It is so true, I don't think that I could make the point any better, in my commentary...

A young woman, was about to finish her first year at college. Like many of her classmates; she considered herself a Liberal Democrat. She liked many liberal ideals. Among her favorites; higher taxes to support Government social programs; or, redistribution of wealth, from the rich to the poor.

She was deeply ashamed of her Father, and his Conservative views. She let her feelings be known to her Father on a regular basis. This view, was re-enforced by her Professor's Lectures, as well as a few small talk chats, with her Professors. She felt her Father harbored evil, and selfish desires to keep the money he had worked so hard for.

One Day, she was challenging her Father, on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich, and the need for more government programs. She said, that all of her college professors lectures on the subject; cannot be wrong!

Her Father asked how she was doing in school. She haughtily responded, that she has earned a 4.0 grade point average. She said she was taking a difficult course load. She let him know that a 4.0 is tough to maintain, and was constantly studying, and has no social life; no boyfriends, because she was busy studying all the time!

Her Father asked how her best friend, from high school; was doing in college. She said that Audra was barely getting by with a 2.0. Dad, you should see her, out till all hours of the night; partying, dating, and sleeping in the next day; because she is so hung over! College for her, is just about having a blast!

Her Father said, why don't you go to your Dean's Office, and ask to give up 1.0 point of your grade point average, to Audra; so you will both have a 3.0 grade point average. Sounds like fair, and equal distribution of GPA, to me! She was visibly shocked by her father's suggestion! She angrily fired back; how would that be fair? That is a crazy idea! I have worked hard for my grades, invested so much time, and sleepless nights, for my grades! Audra hasn't done crap, to deserve a 3.0! She played; I worked my tail off!!

The Father said, in a calm voice...Welcome to the Republican Party!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Democrats Are For the Littleguy...

I asked a guy, "Why are you a Democrat?" He told me, "I am a Democrat, because they are for the "Little Guy" and the "Working Man".

In this article, I wish to examine this theory. I will attempt to persuade you, with some examples; of  how Democrats actually reacted, with their policy implementations...

In the early 1990's, George H. W. Bush broke his promise of "No New Taxes". The Democrats, who controlled congress, were just killing Republicans for being the "Party of the Rich"! The Country needs some Fairness; the Country needs to help the poor; the Country needs these extra revenue streams to pay down the National Debt, and so on. The Democrat majority in congress, wanted to "Soak the Rich" for being, well..."Rich". So they came up with some really nicely crafted taxes, to accomplish their goals. One was a new tax on yachts known as the "Yacht Tax". That one will really get those rich guys! It was in their minds, a brilliantly focused law. It would make that rich guy, pay a 20% tax on his new luxury yacht, if it was 50 feet in length, or longer. Other taxes were placed on certain other things; such as: cars, aircraft, and jewels.

Well, you know what happened? It destroyed the Yacht industry in the United States!! The buyers of the yachts looked at the new taxes; just like you and I would do, they either didn't buy one, or said...Its cheaper to buy my yacht over in the Caribbean; with no U.S. taxes added! I can then, sail it back here. It would make the trip more fun to know, you just saved $200K (If the yacht you just purchased was a million bucks, or more.) All of these new taxes were to bring in big dollars! What did it do instead? According to a study, it killed: 330 jobs in the jewelry manufacturing sector, 1,470 jobs in the aircraft sector, and a staggering 7,600 jobs in the yacht industry. How many of these people, who lost their jobs; were... "Rich Guys", and how many of these jobs were lost by... "Little Guys"?

Look today, at the similar situation with our esteemed President Obama. The economy tanks; GM and Chrysler are going bankrupt. There is some idea to close auto dealerships when this happens. Auto manufacturers submit a plan to close "minimal" number of dealerships. Obama Administration says; there will be far more drastic number of dealerships closed, so they will have to "Share the Sacrifice" in this downturn. Obama administration orders 2,000 dealerships closed. The average dealership employs 52 people, from salesmen, to mechanics, to body shop employees. That is approximately 100,000 jobs lost, to those dealerships closings! So... how many jobs in this example.. are the "Rich Guys", and how many jobs here were lost by "Little Guys"? I am puzzled by this move of closing ANY of these dealerships! I believe Obama did this in order to show his liberal supporters, that he wasn't afraid to hurt the wealthy people; who owned the dealerships! The "Little Guys" who were hurt; just had to expect to... "Share the Sacrifice"! These dealers cost GM, and Chrysler almost nothing! They were self sustaining businesses! How stupid is this thought... We will gain "MORE" car sales, by reducing the number of places, where people can purchase one!!

Democrats "Sell" this notion, that they are for the "Little Guy" and the "Poor". I have seen enough to know, Democrats use the "Little Guy" and the "Poor", as "Rungs in their Ladder to Power"!! When they get the power; the Little Guys better run for cover!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bush's Waterboarding Wrong?

Hot topic of the day seems to be the former President Bush's use of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" on terror suspects. He says it was legal for him to order the interrogations, by opinion of his lawyers. He ordered this on exactly 3 terrorists during the war on terror. Three? you would think by the furor from the media, he had ordered it on every terror suspect we had in custody! Matt Laurer asked "Would you do it again?" President Bush said "I would do it again!"

Laurer went on to point out the fact that we would not wish our soldiers to face such interrogation methods while in captivity. This is a true statement! Mr Bush would not wish any soldier to go through such things, nor would any citizen I know! Thing is, we are the only ones to ever follow any code of conduct. No Muslim society would give out Bibles, or freedom to practice faith, to captured soliers; but we did at Gitmo! We allow them time to pray 5 times a day, and let them practice thier religion whenever they wish. Would our soldiers be so lucky..NO!! I have seen our guys burned and hung off bridges. I have seen soldiers bodies, with ropes around thier necks; drug through streets. No one respects or treats prisoners like America does!!

Here's the deal on this from my perspective. Should you use this technique on the average criminal? I say, Absolutely NOT!! You will get false "CONFESSOINS" from people!! "Confessions" is the key word in this whole thing. They were NOT trying to get the 3 terrorist to "CONFESS". We knew they did the terrorism already!! We were saying, tell us what ELSE you "KNOW"!! You tell us what else you are planning, and we will stop this! Its up to you Mr. Terrorist! We were not trying to get these guys to confess to crimes! That is the difference.

I am glad Mr. Bush had the fortitude, to make the call!! He chose to protect our Country, and Citizens, without reguard for his "Legacy"!! I would be furious at a Liberal Democrat President such as Obama, if he wouldn't do exactly as Mr. Bush, and put our safety ahead of the "Rights" of an Enemy Combatant!! But you know already..Obama wouldn't do it to protect us..Liberals say its torture!! I say if it is...too bad for you Mr. Terrorist!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Climate Scientist Plan Pushback Against Incoming Republicans

Read a story about Climate Scientist and Researchers, who are planning to do a push back on the incoming Congressional Republicans. The American Geophysical Union isn't pleased that 50% of the newly elected Republicans, are skeptics of man made climate change. They along with various Universities, and Research Laboratories, plan to "organize" around 700 climate researchers, to push back on the un-educated stances the new congress may have.

I'll tell you the real deal folks! If you pay attention to some of the "key" words from above, you will find all the answer you need, as to why they plan to do this! You see the words "various Universities" and "Research Laboratories"? What those key words indicate, are places that get "Government Research Grants"; or in plain English...Taxpayers Money!! They are acting frantically to save these dollars, and keep the cash rolling from the Taxpayers wallets!! They are protecting their lively hoods in this case. Lets face facts, they will also be faced with coming up with new things that are worthy of research, and therefore getting the tax dollars back into the pipeline of institutions. They must try to convince the public, and those new congressmen, of an impending "apocalypse" if the research is stopped.

I have read various stories of these climate numbers being faked, to make it look as if Global Climate Change exists. I have also read stories in British publications, which say, that the temperature of the Earth, and Mars; mirror each other!! I dare say, I have yet to see any Martian SUV's,  or Martian Heavy Industry, spewing CO2 into the fragile Martian Atmosphere!! I have a new theory which will blow your mind! The Sun... causes temps to rise, here on Earth, as well as Mars!!

I applaud the newly elected congress for being skeptical of these claims! I am glad they will look into things, and not just buckle to the shrill screams of those so called Scientist. Hopefully they will dry up the steady stream of taxpayer money into this, and other unworthy causes! Especially in the face of our country's current economic situation!